Friday, July 22, 2011

The Dog Days of Summer

I’ve been a little slow in blogging lately… and I’m blaming it on the “Dog Days of Summer” which interestingly is a term that was actually developed by Italians! 

In ancient Rome, the star Sirius, also known as the “dog star,” used to rise and set with the sun during July and August.  Thinking this is what caused the excessive summer heat, the term “dog days of summer” was coined.

While most people and dogs (and bloggers!) tend to slow down in the summer, at the ICD we have actually been very busy behind the scenes getting ready for the fall. 

In late June we held our General Membership meeting and during that we had a lot of exciting announcements.

First off, we have created an entirely new language “school” that will debut in September.  Based on 5-core classes with additional classes covering conversation, children and travelers, we’ll also have new offerings such as “Language at Lunch,” and you can read more about our new school and the syllabus here.

We are also expanding our cooking classes.  We’ll add to our Regional Cena weeks with a new cooking class focusing on the cuisine of the region on the day following the Regional Cena. 

Some of our other enhanced and new offerings will include an extension of our Battle of the Bottles series and offerings such as a liqueur dinner, ladies’ movie night, and Monday Night Football watching.  We’re keeping our website and our Facebook pages updated almost daily with all of the changes so make sure you check back on them frequently.

I’d also like to give a plug to our great friends at Jimmy’s Food Store who have endlessly supported the efforts of the Italian Club.

Jimmy’s was just named the People’s Choice Winner for the Best Sandwich Shop in D Magazine’s Best of Big D 2011: Food and Drink.  The link to their profile in D Magazine is here and the link to Jimmy’s Website is here.  

When you visit their website, make sure you sign up for their weekly newsletter which offers some amazing deals on authentic Italian foods and wines.

And when you do go to Jimmy’s for the best sandwiches in Dallas or some of their homemade meats, pastas and imported cheeses, wines and other Italian products; take a moment and introduce yourself to Paul and Mike DiCarlo.  Chances are you won’t meet two finer Italian Americans right here in Dallas!

While I may be “dogging” a little on my blogging this summer, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of great things happening at the Italian Club Dallas this summer.

If nothing else, stop by on Wednesday’s nights for our weekly summer W.O.W (Wine on Wednesday) promotion (details here) and get to know the Italian Club Dallas a little better… I assure you that you won’t be disappointed!