Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Story of a Friday Night at the Italian Club Dallas

Last night we hosted our Regional Cena featuring Sardegna at the Italian Club Dallas and it was quite a night so I thought I’d blog about it. 

For those unfamiliar with the series, Cena (Italian for evening meal) is our weekly Friday night dinner.  In January we introduced the concept of the 2nd week of each month being a “regional” week and over the course of 20 months we are exploring each of Italy’s 20 regions.  We start it on Wednesday night with a tasting of wines from the region (which we sell by the bottle at very discounted prices) and on Friday we host the Regional Cena.

During the Regional Cena we offer regional wines, we serve a meal that is authentic to the region, our dance troupe I Colori performs traditional Italian dance numbers specific to the region, we have a slide show running in the background of images from the region and we produce an informational brochure about the region.   We’ll wrap the regional week today with a cooking class to learn how to make the wonderful dinner we had last night.

Last night was one of our most popular yet.  We were sold out by Wednesday (note – make reservations early!) and we had 50 more people on a wait list for the night.  Those in attendance were treated to an amazing meal of Sa Fregula (Sardinian Soup with Couscous, Clams and Saffron Broth); Su Gulurgiones de Casu (Homemade Potato and Cheese Ravioli with Pomodoro Sauce); S’Iscarzofa (Artichoke and Arugula Salad with Pecorino Sardo Cheese); Purcheddu’ (Roast Suckling Pig and Rosemary Potatoes) and Seadas (Puff Pastry stuffed with Cheese and Bitter Honey).

The ingredients used for these dinners are the real deal.  I think one of my favorites in the regional series thus far was Liguria when on a Friday night we served anchovies that had been swimming off the Italian coast just 3 days before.  But then again last night's roasted sucking pig was pretty delicious too!

During a Friday Cena the bar opens at 6:00pm and dinner begins around 7:00pm.  During cocktail hour, everyone mingles (members and visitors) and even if you come in alone, you’ll meet a lot of new friends before dinner even starts. 

Last night about 1/3rd of our guests were new to the Club and they were like family before the Sardinian Soup was even placed on the tables.  After the incredible meal, I Colori performed and they include an audience participation number which is always quite fun.

Lately we have been trending on the website Yelp which is a site where people write reviews of restaurants.  Last night we had several guests who joined us because they had read about our multiple 5 star ratings on Yelp and they even ended up on the floor dancing with I Colori… I can’t wait to see what their reviews will look like!

I Colori Performing a Regional Dance from Sardegna

We finish the night with a fun raffle and by about 10:00pm or so dinner is done… but that’s where the night starts as well.   

After dinner a couple of tables inside the club end up playing friendly card games, one for the men and one for the ladies.  Many of the rest of us end up on the patio outside sharing lemoncello and sambucca and cigars and a whole lot of laughs.   

11:00pm - Chef Tommaso Carves the 2nd Roasted Sucking Pig
By 11:00pm, everyone was somehow hungry again and last night Chef Tommaso rolled out a 2nd sucking pig he had roasted.  Much less formal than during dinner, the pig was carved and the 30 or so people remaining partook in more delicious and mouthwatering pork.

It was like a scene at many homes on Thanksgiving where everyone stood around and was picking at the carving before the meal is served.  It truly is a large Italian family and it is memorable. 

BUT if the pig wasn’t enough, by 11:30pm Tommaso was back inside the Club preparing a large bowl of pasta aioli for everyone to share to top off the multiple courses of meals.  Overall it was an incredible night!

Trying to write about this experience and actually experiencing it are far different. 

I can assure you that you will not find a dining and cultural experience in Dallas quite like ours.  There isn’t a single time that visitors walk out not having met new people and everyone is accepted and welcomed.  Last night we had a couple of the first time visitors who ended up on the patio with us sharing the liquors, pig and pasta.  While it might have been their first time to visit the Club, they were simply like members of the family we haven’t seen in some time and they were warmly greeted and made to feel part of the family.

My family is mainly in New York but I do have a couple of cousins who I visited with in Nashville a couple of weeks ago.  I hadn’t seen them in years but they made me feel like I was right at home again with homemade cookies and lots of love… and it was wonderful.  That is the same feeling that is shared every Friday night at the Italian Club Dallas. 

We offer Cena every Friday and our next regional is September 9th when we’ll feature Abruzzzo which is the region in Italy that my family is from.  Come join us for one and you’ll see what I mean… and you’ll take away an experience you won’t forget. 

Now off to learn to cook…

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bocce & Life.. in a Blog

I invited my really good friend Eric to join me to play bocce last week for one of our every-other-week bocce nights.  I feared Eric was going to kill me since the night he joined me was the hottest night we have had in Dallas this summer... but surprisingly he didn't.

Eric is a true friend of mine and I respect his views on the world, on business, on life and on relationships.

He regularly writes a really great blog and in the last couple of days, he has written a couple of blogs about our night together... sweltering in the heat... but not minding it and simply enjoying life with some really great people from the Italian Club.

I would encourage you to have a look at his writings as well as some of his many other entries which always give me some great perspectives on business and on life.

And Eric, Thank You... for being a true friend, for enduring the heat with me and for being a natural at bocce!

We need to prepare for you and I to be a team together in our fall championship!