Monday, February 28, 2011

Communicating With You

At the Italian Club Dallas, we use many channels for communicating with our members and guests on a timely basis and I’d like to share them with you in one easy to find note.

Our most public facing channel is our new website which is now live!  You can view our new site, which is loaded with relevant and timely information about the Club and about our Italian heritage at

On our new, easier to navigate website, you can find out just about everything you can imagine about our culture, cuisine, tradition and community as well as many newly added features such as “This Week At The Club”, a current calendar, bios of our Board Members and staff, links to both our sponsors and many other relevant Italian-related websites, our press releases, recipes and so much more.  Our site was designed and created entirely by members of the Club who have volunteered their time and efforts and it’s a great example of some of the many talented members we have who frequent the club.  Again our new URL is

Each month we publish and distribute our monthly newsletter titled Il Cicerone (The Guide).  The “Cic” is mailed to our members and printed copies are available for visitors to the Club.  You can also view an online version of it here.

The "Cic" contains articles recapping past events as well as detailing upcoming activities and opportunities for our members to experience events ranging from dinners to lectures and tours that the Club is hosting.

Facebook is another important communications channel to us and our Facebook page is populated with relevant and timely information about the Club and about Italy on an almost daily basis.  You can follow us on Facebook here and soon we’ll be offering special promotions for our Facebook followers.

If you prefer a shorter recap of activities, we have our weekly ClubMail which is distributed via email at the beginning of each week and informs our members and guests of our activities in the coming days at the Club.  ClubMail keeps our members informed of late breaking news and developments around our events as well as publishing menus for the week.  It’s easy to sign up and you can find the form here.

In addition to offering a full plate of cultural, culinary and educational events and activities, we’re equally concerned with our members having quick and easy access to the information.  We invite you to join us through one of our communications channels!

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Joy Of Growing Up Italian

Here's a little something fun for your weekend reading.  

Many of us as Italians have read a story that has floated around the Internet for years called “The Joy Of Growing Up Italian”.  In most places it was seen, it was published as “Author Anonymous”.  Curious about the origination of it, I did a little research and found out more about its author.

The original piece was written in 1968 on a manual typewriter by Elvira Oliver of Carmel, New York.  Elvira was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1910 and she continued blogging until she was 99 years old.  Her blog was titled “The Oldest Blogger On Earthand she had some really great stories in it ranging from documenting a celebration of her 100th birthday in 2010 to her years in high school during the great depression (the 1929 one!).  Sadly, Elvira passed away in December 2010 at 100 years of age.

For those of us who have seen the piece, now you know a little more about its author and for those of you who have never read it, in Elvira’s name I share with you her original version of…

The Joy Of Growing Up Italian

I was well into adulthood before I realized I was an American. Of course I had been born in America and had lived here all of my life, but somehow it never occurred to me that just being a citizen of the United States meant I was an American. Americans are people who ate peanut butter and jelly on mushy white bread that came in plastic packages. But I was ITALIAN.

For me, as I am sure for most second generation Italian-American children who grew up in the 40's or 50's, there was a definite distinction drawn between US and THEM. We were Italians. Everybody else....the Irish, German, Polish, Jews, they were the "MED-E-GONES". There was no animosity involved in that distinction, no prejudice, no hard-feelings....just, well, we were sure ours was the better way, For instance, we had a bread-man, a coal-man, and ice-man, a fruit and vegetable man, a watermelon man, and a fish-man; we even had a man who sharpened knives and scissors, who came to our homes or at least outside our homes. They were the many peddlers who plied their wares in the Italian neighborhoods. We would wait for their call, their yell, and their individual distinctive sound. We knew them all and they knew us. Americans went to the stores for most of their foods. What a waste! Truly I pitied their loss. They never knew the pleasure of waking up every morning to find a hot crispy loaf of bread waiting behind the screen door. And instead of being able to climb up on the back of a peddler's truck a couple of times a week just to hitch a ride, most of the "MED-E-GONE" friend had to be satisfied going to the A&P.

When it came to food, it always amazed me that my American friends and classmates only ate turkey on Thanksgiving or Christmas. Or, rather that they ONLY ate turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. Now, we Italians....we also had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce, but...ONLY after we had finished the antipasto, soup, lasagna, meatballs, salad, and whatever else Mama thought might be appropriate for that particular holiday. The turkey was usually accompanied by a roast of some kind (just in case somebody walked in who didn't like turkey) and was followed by an assortment of fruits, nuts, pastries, cakes and, of course, homemade cookies and espresso with a bit of lemon or anisette. No holiday was complete without some home baking. None of that store-bought stuff for us. This is where you learned to eat a seven-course meal between noon and four in the afternoon; how to handle hot chestnuts, and put peach wedges in homemade red wine. I truly believe Italians live a romance with food.

Speaking of food. Sunday was truly the big day of the week. That was the day you'd wake up to the smell of garlic and onions frying in olive oil. As you lay in bed, you could hear the hiss as tomatoes were dropped into a pan. On Sunday, we always had gravy. The Medegones called it sauce....and pasta, they called it macaroni. Sunday would not be Sunday without going to Mass. Of course, you couldn't eat before Mass, because you had to fast before receiving Communion. But the good part was....we knew when we got home, we'd find hot meatballs frying, and nothing tastes better than newly fried meatballs and crisp Italian bread dipped into a pot of gravy.

There was another difference between US and THEM. We had gardens. Not just flower gardens, but huge gardens where we grew tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes. We ate them, cooked them, and jarred them, Of course, we also grew peppers (hot and sweet), basil, parsley, lettuce and zucchini. Everybody had a grapevine and a fig tree....and in the fall, everyone covered the fig-tree and made home-made wine, lots of it. Of course, those gardens thrived so, because we also had something else our American friends didn't seem to have. We had a GRANDFATHER!! It's not that they didn't have a Grandfather; it’s just that they didn't live in the same house or on the same block. They VISITED their Grandfathers. We ate with ours...and God forbid, if we did not see them once a day.

I can still remember my Grandfather telling me how he came to America as a young man "on a boat" which took 30 days to cross the Atlantic Ocean; how the family lived in a rented tenement, and took in boarders in order to make ends meet; how he decided he didn't want his children (four sons and three daughters) to grow up in that environment. All of this, of course, in his own version of Italian/English which I soon learned to understand quite well.

So, when my Grandfather saved enough money to buy a house, and I could never figure out how he bought it, that house served as family headquarters for the next forty years. I remember how he hated to leave it. He would rather sit on the back porch and watch the garden grow. And when he did leave it for some special occasion, he had to return as quickly as possible. After all, "nobody's watching the house". I also remember the Holidays when all the relatives would gather at my Grandfather's house and there'd be tables full of food and home-made wine and music. Women in the kitchen, men in the living room, and everywhere. I must have a half-million cousins: first, second, and some not even related, but that didn't matter. And my Grandfather...his pipe in his mouth and his fine moustache trimmed....would sit in the middle of it all, grinning his mischievous smile, his dark eyes twinkling, surveying his domain, proud of his family, and how well his children had done in life: one was a cop, one a fireman, one had his own trade, and (of course) there was always the rogue. The girls...they had all married well, had fine husbands and healthy children....and, most of all, everyone knew RESPECT. Grandfather had achieved his goal in coming to America, and to New Jersey. Now his children and their children were achieving the same goals that were available to them in this great country, because they were Americans.

When my Grandfather died years ago at the age of 76, things began to change. Slowly at first. But then Uncles and Aunts eventually began to cut down on their visits. Family gatherings were fewer and something seemed to be missing, although when we did get together, usually at my Mother' house now, I always had the feeling he was there somehow. It was understandable, of course. Everyone now had families of their own and grandchildren of their own. Today, they visit once or twice a year. Today, we meet at weddings and wakes.

Lots of other things have changed, too. The old house my Grandfather bought is now covered with aluminum siding, although my Uncle still lives there....and, of course, my Grandfather’s garden is gone. The last of the home-made wine has long been drunk and, in the fall, nobody covers the fig tree anymore. For a while, we would make the rounds on the holidays, visiting family. Now, we occasionally visit the cemetery. A lot of them are there: grandfathers, uncles, aunts, even my own Father and Mother.

The Holidays have changed, too. The great quantity of food we once consumed without ill-effects is no good for us anymore....too much starch, too much cholesterol, too much calories. And nobody bothers to bake anymore....too busy, and it's easier to buy it now, and anyway too much is not good for you. We meet at my hose now, at least my family does; but it's not the same.

The differences between US and THEM aren't as easily defined anymore, and I guess that's good. My Grandparents were Italian-Italians, my parents were Italian-Americans, my wife and I are American -Italians, and my children are American-Americans. Oh, I'm an American alright and proud of it, just as my Grandfather would want me to be. We are all Americans now: the Irish, German, Polish, and the Jews....U.S. citizens all. But, somehow, I still feel a little bit Italian. Call it culture, call it tradition, call it roots. I'm really not sure what it is! All I know is that my children have been cheated out of a wonderful piece of heritage. They never knew my GRANDFATHER.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Il Carnevale (Mardi Gras)

Quaresima (Lent) marks the forty days of fasting and abstinence before Easter and the days leading up to this period of fasting is known around the world as Carnevale.  Although Carnevale officially starts in January and lasts until Mercoledì delle Ceneri (Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent), the days before Lent are especially festive.  In Italy, the celebration is most widely associated with Venezia (Venice).

Carnevale, which is known to many Americans as Mardi Gras, is based upon the name of the celebration of Shrove or "Fat" Tuesday (Martedi Grasso). Pancakes are a traditional Shrove Tuesday feast food. While today Roman Catholics are expected to do without meat on Fridays during Lent, and to do without something they particularly enjoy during the Lenten period, older church doctrine decreed that Catholics give up not only meat dishes but also eggs, milk, and even fats. Thus Shrove Tuesday became the last day until Easter that people could spoil themselves, and to use up the dairy products and fats in the home so they wouldn't go to waste pancakes became a traditional Shrove Tuesday feast. 

Although Carnevale is first mentioned in documented sources in 1092 during the Dogate of Vitale Falier of La Repubblica della Serenissima
 (The Most Serene Republic of Venice), the history of Venetian carnival is thought to have originated from an annual celebration of Doge Vitale Michieli II's victory over Ulrich II of Treven, Patriarch of Aquileia in 1162. The first documented sources mentioning the use of masks in Venice can be found as far back as the 13th century. The document describes the practice of masked men throwing scented eggs at ladies and its subsequent prohibition by the council (Venetian Laws, 1268 May). 

In 2011, Carnevale is celebrated in
 Venezia from February 26 through March 8. While few of us are lucky enough to attend the original, “official” event, the next best thing can be found, of course, at the Italian Club Dallas Clubhouse.

On Saturday evening, February 26, 2011, the Italian Club will celebrate Carnevale along with its start in Venezia. Pancakes are nice, but we’re substituting a decadent 5-course Chef Tommaso special for our Carnevale celebration.  We’re also including a magician, a face painter, a DJ, performances by our own I Colori AND I Piccoli Colori dance troupes as well as dancing and fine dining.  Our cocktail hour begins at 6:00pm, I Piccoli Colori will perform at 7:10pm and dinner service will begin at 7:30pm so dust off your Carnevale masks and get ready to celebrate Italian style!  Reservations are required and can be made here.

Italian Club Dallas - Shaping Our Brand

When people hear the word “brand”, many different things come to mind.  I define a “brand” as “a product or an offering that is distinctive from others and it represents the sum of the relationship we have with it, whether it is good or bad.”  This month, I want to focus on our “brand” known as The Italian Club of Dallas.

Building a successful brand is about a lot more than a nice logo or clever advertising.  Successful brands, those brands that we can’t live without, are the ones that reach our hearts as well as our minds.  Truly great brands are the ones that touch us in the totality of our interaction with them.

At the Club, the core of our brand is in our name – “Italian” – and the purpose of our brand is carried out in our mission statement – “… to explore, preserve and promote Italian culture, language, history and traditions…”  But how do we successfully bring those words to life and make our brand one that touches hearts as well as minds?  I’ll give you a personal example. 

I have both a Central Market and a Market Street within 5 minutes of where I live but I would rather drive 30 minutes to go to Jimmy’s Food Store for my purchases.  In addition to great quality and selection of Italian products at Jimmy’s, I get a total experience when I interact with them.  They communicate with me through their weekly emails offering seasonal specialties.  When I visit, I can sample wines and cheeses, I can talk to Paul and Mike DiCarlo and the folks behind the counters who make good recommendations about products, and I can be in an environment that “feels” like the Italian market my Nana used to take me to when I was growing up in upstate New York.  With Jimmy’s, I get the totality of the Italian experience, and it touches both my heart and my mind.

So again the question – how do “we” successfully make “our” brand one that touches hearts as well as minds?  The answer comes in EVERY interaction our Members and our guests have with our brand and that is my challenge to our Board and staff moving forward… to analyze and improve each and every touch- point of our brand.

At the Club, we are many things.  We are a restaurant and we HAVE to provide a first class dining experience to our guests.  We have to make it easy for them to get information and reservations, and we have to serve them a quality dining experience in a clean and inviting environment ~ all at a fair price.  As importantly, we are a cultural organization and we have to provide our Members and guests with quality programming in the form of lectures, classes, events and performances that promote our Italian heritage.  And lastly we are a business with financial responsibilities to our Members.  As a business we also need to promote ourselves and our offerings to the public and make it easy for them to be touched by our Italian heritage in a way that is not only different but superior to any other form they might have (short of family) of experiencing the Italian culture here in Dallas.

EVERY single interaction anyone has with the Club… be it online, through our communications channels, in the Club itself or at one of our public presentations… are opportunities for us to grow our brand not only in the minds but in the hearts of our customers.

So how do we do that?

Working with our committees and our staff, we are continuing to analyze every detail of ourselves.  We are currently reviewing our event offerings to find a good balance of offerings that in the near future will include events such as renewed cooking classes and joint presentations such as we’ve recently done with the Dallas Symphony and others.  We have designed a new, comprehensive web site which, while being much easier to navigate, will offer a much more robust amount of education and information about our Italian heritage and our Club.  We're also populating our Facebook page almost daily with relevant and timely information for our members and guests.  And we are reviewing our operational procedures such as expedited check-out to make it easier for Members to come into the Clubhouse and have a pleasant experience while visiting.

There are a lot of exciting changes, positive changes, in store for the Club in 2011, but as I mentioned in my letter in last months newsletter, it all begins with you.  I encourage you to send me your thoughts, your feedback, your criticism and your compliments.  Our focus for 2011 will be on you, the customer, and the only way we can improve your experience is to hear from you!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Michael Trovalli