Monday, February 28, 2011

Communicating With You

At the Italian Club Dallas, we use many channels for communicating with our members and guests on a timely basis and I’d like to share them with you in one easy to find note.

Our most public facing channel is our new website which is now live!  You can view our new site, which is loaded with relevant and timely information about the Club and about our Italian heritage at

On our new, easier to navigate website, you can find out just about everything you can imagine about our culture, cuisine, tradition and community as well as many newly added features such as “This Week At The Club”, a current calendar, bios of our Board Members and staff, links to both our sponsors and many other relevant Italian-related websites, our press releases, recipes and so much more.  Our site was designed and created entirely by members of the Club who have volunteered their time and efforts and it’s a great example of some of the many talented members we have who frequent the club.  Again our new URL is

Each month we publish and distribute our monthly newsletter titled Il Cicerone (The Guide).  The “Cic” is mailed to our members and printed copies are available for visitors to the Club.  You can also view an online version of it here.

The "Cic" contains articles recapping past events as well as detailing upcoming activities and opportunities for our members to experience events ranging from dinners to lectures and tours that the Club is hosting.

Facebook is another important communications channel to us and our Facebook page is populated with relevant and timely information about the Club and about Italy on an almost daily basis.  You can follow us on Facebook here and soon we’ll be offering special promotions for our Facebook followers.

If you prefer a shorter recap of activities, we have our weekly ClubMail which is distributed via email at the beginning of each week and informs our members and guests of our activities in the coming days at the Club.  ClubMail keeps our members informed of late breaking news and developments around our events as well as publishing menus for the week.  It’s easy to sign up and you can find the form here.

In addition to offering a full plate of cultural, culinary and educational events and activities, we’re equally concerned with our members having quick and easy access to the information.  We invite you to join us through one of our communications channels!

1 comment:

  1. Great article mike....don't forget Twitter @italian1
