Wednesday, March 16, 2011

iPad + Flipboard + ICD = Content

This is one for the tech types and the iPad & iPad 2 owners out there.

One of the coolest apps that I have on my iPad is a free app called Flipboard.  Flipboard is a personalized, social magazine that gathers content that I choose and it presents it all in one app in a very user friendly, magazine style format.  The content options range from local, national and international newspapers to magazines to weather, blogs I follow, my personal Facebook and Twitter accounts and even pages with Italian recipes.  Each morning over my coffee, I open Flipboard first and I catch up on many various news, media and social sources all in one place and presented in a very friendly magazine style format.

Did you know you can add the Italian Club of Dallas to your Flipboard content?

It’s simple to do.  In Flipboard, click “Add a Section” and type in Italian Club Dallas and you’ll find us in the Facebook Pages section and then you simply add us.

Flipboard pulls the content from our ICD Facebook page which we populate daily with timely information both about the Club and our activities and also with timely and relevant news and happenings from Italy. 

While we have almost 350 followers on Facebook, I know not all of our members and guests use Facebook so if you have an iPad and want to stay very current with our happenings, I encourage you to use Flipboard or if you already have it, to add us to your own personalized contents.

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