Friday, March 11, 2011

Our Regional Cenas

Our Regional Cenas which I wrote about earlier this week have proved to be one of our most popular new offerings for 2011… so popular in fact that we’ve sold out each one of them.

Tonight’s Cena featuring Sicilia sold out quickly.  If you call the Club today at (972) 931-9167, Vito can place your name on a waiting list in the event of cancellations during the day today.

Moving forward, I thought I’d share the list of our upcoming Regional Cenas.  Reservations can be made in advance for any of these special Cenas through our website so don’t be left out for these special events during which you’ll have an opportunity to experience a culinary, cultural and educational experience exploring each of the 20 wonderful and unique regions of Italy.

2011 Regional Cena Schedule
Friday, April 8 – Liguria
Friday, May 13 – Toscana
Friday, June 10 – Abruzzo
Friday, July 8 – Umbria
Friday, August 12 – Sardegna
Friday, September 9 – Campania
Friday, October 14 – Basilicata
Friday, November 11 - Emilia Romagna (& Veterans Appreciation)
Friday, December 9 - Friuli-Venezia Giulia 

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