Thursday, March 31, 2011

Learn To Speak Italian Here In Dallas

One of our most popular offerings at the Italian Club Dallas is our Italian Language Classes and our next series of classes are set to begin the week of April 18, 2011.

At the Italian Club we offer 5 levels of classes ranging from Beginner to Advanced Conversation.  The courses are 10-weeks long and are they are taught by professionals from the major universities here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.  

Our courses are designed as a progression so whenever you begin a series, you can continue them through the stages on a continual basis.  If you follow the program you can gain a solid knowledge of the Italian language in just over 1 year.

Most of the newer members of our classes begin at the Beginner I level.  This is our introductory course and teaches the basics of the Italian language: basic grammar, listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is intended for those brand new to the language.  As the classes progress you’ll be introduced to verb conjugation, tenses and ultimately to a conversational level of Italian.

Personally I discovered the Italian Club Dallas by first taking language classes there and I have since had many opportunities to test my knowledge in remote areas of Italy where little to no English is spoken.  While I’m no master of the Italian language yet, I could certainly hold my own using what I learned through the ICD classes.  On top of that I made some really great friends while taking the classes so overall it was a very rewarding experience.

You can get more details on all of our classes on the Italian Language School section of our website.

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