Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cooking, NY, Toscana, Italy and Pasqua

It’s been a busy week for me and not much time for blogging so tonight is a catch up on all sorts of subjects!

Cooking Classes!
"Supervising" my daughter
at our cooking class
at Ecco la Cucina in Tuscany

I was in New York last week for business and I had dinner at a nice Italian restaurant in SoHo.  They had zucchini flowers on their menu which took me back to a cooking class I took in Tuscany at Ecco la Cucina with Chef Gina Stipo who has been a very good friend to the Italian Club.  In the class my daughter and I took she taught us how to make these wonderful delicacies.  This week we’ll be resuming our Cooking Classes at the ICD with our first one featuring Chef Morris Salerno.  The class is this Saturday, April 23 at 11am and I’ll be there!  In the coming months we'll be offering more cooking classes along with more wine tastings so keep up with us on our website or on Facebook to know what we're offering next!

New York!
Each Friday we offer our weekly five-course Cena (evening meal) and we have a rotation which includes our hugely popular regional Cenas on the 2nd Friday of each month.  In 2011 we have 5 months with a 5th Friday so during those; we’re exploring the menus from American-Italian cities during.   This month on April 29th we’re covering New York!  One of the five courses will be Spiedies which I’ve blogged about previously so if you want to enjoy them before Taste Addison next month, join us at the Club on April 29th to try them out!

Toscana (Tuscany)!
I mentioned our Regional Cenas during which we’re exploring the 20 regions of Italy with the wines, foods and entertainment from each of the regions and in May we’re featuring Tuscany!  On Wednesday, May 11 during our weekly Pasta Night, we’ll offer a Tuscan Wine Tasting featuring 1 white, 3 reds and a desert wine all from Tuscany.  On Friday, May 13 we’ll offer the Regional Cena which will feature the mentioned wines along with a 5-course Tuscan menu and a performance of Tuscan dance numbers by our dance troupe I Colori.  The regional Cenas always sell out but this one will likely be one of our most popular so book it early!

Visiting Italy!
I’m in the midst of planning my 15th visit to Italy this fall and visiting Italy seems to be the subject I get most of my emails about.  We have two members of our Club who are professionals in planning trips to Italy who are located here in Dallas so if you’re planning a trip to Italy, I highly suggest you contact them.  You can meet Mary Stipo Potter and Roberto Agostini by clicking on their names!

Pasqua (Easter)!
This Sunday we’ll celebrate Pasqua at the Italian Club.  While we have a great menu planned for our brunch, I think it’s most important to remember the meaning of the day and in that spirit I wish everyone a Buona Pasqua, ¡Felices Pascuas!, Joyeuses Pâques, Καλό πάσχα or quite simply… a very Happy Easter!

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