Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Heritage Wall

Next week will mark the 105th anniversary of the date my Great-Grandfather Vitale Trovarelli last passed through Ellis Island and established his residency in the United States.  May 29, 1906 marked his 3rd and final passage through Ellis Island (his first was in 1896) and he was eventually joined by my Great-Grandmother, my Grandfather and my Grandfather’s brothers and sisters.

Our Italian heritage is an important part of each of us at the Italian Club and to celebrate it we have created our Heritage Wall in the Club.  On the wall, our members can have their family photos displayed and the collection already has a lot of great stories behind the photographs.

One of the photos up on the wall is that of my Grandparent’s wedding party taken on June 25, 1925.  I had lunch in the Club this week and it was fun to walk my guests over to the wall and show them my heritage proudly displayed along with those of other members.  

Of course I get asked about how others can get their photographs up on the wall and it’s all explained here on our website.

Next time you’re in the Club, stop by and have a look the photos already there and if you have a photograph of your Italian heritage that you would like to share, please read the link about how to do so.

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