Monday, May 30, 2011

Buon Compleanno, Italia!

If you ask any American which is the newer country ~Italy or America~ chances are most will answer America.  Well in reality Italy is the newer country and this week marks a special birthday celebration.

While what we think of today as “Italian” culture and identity has existed for many centuries, it was only in the 19th century that, thanks to a unique combination of political, military, diplomatic and cultural achievements, the country we now call Italy came into being as a unified country. On March 17, 1861 the Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed, eventually becoming the Italian Republic on June 2, 1946. 

Each year on June 2, Italians recognize the creation of the Italian Republic in 1946 with La Festa della Repubblica (The Celebration of the Republic). And this year is extra special because it also marks the 150th (Centocinquanta) celebration of the Unification of Italy.

To celebrate Italy’s birthday, we’ll have a pair of very special events this week at the Italian Club Dallas.

On Friday, June 3 during our weekly Cena we’ll celebrate Italy’s 65th birthday with a special menu prepared from regions all over the peninsula. We’ll also have informational brochures about the unification as well as a performance by our own I Colori Italiani dancers.   Reservations for this special birthday Cena can be made here.

On Saturday, June 4th we’ll have an even more special celebration at the Club.  In recognition of this special year, we'll welcome Consul General of Italy Fabrizio Nava, military and civic dignitaries, and other special guests at this reservations-required event.  Among the many dignitaries joining Signore Nava will the Consul Generals of several other countries. 

The evening will begin with a cocktail hour featuring special antipasti and complimentary prosecco, an elegant meal and live entertainment performances.  Consul General Nava and the Italians Living Abroad Committee (Com.It.Es.) President Vincenzo Arcobelli will give a brief presentation about the history and significance of Italian unification, and informational short films on the subject, courtesy of Com.It.Es., will play on the ICD's big screen. This will be a special evening to meet the new Consul General, Dignitaries, and out of town guests, enjoy wonderful Italian cuisine & entertainment, and raise a glass to our beloved Italia.  Again, reservations are required for this special evening and they can be made here.

We hope that you will join us for one of these two special celebrations we’re hosting to celebrate Italy’s birthday but if you can’t and would like to learn more about the history, we’ve created a special page here on our website that gives you a brief overview of the key historical figures behind the unification of Italy.  

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