Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Taste Addison - Taste: The Competition

We had a video crew in the Club today to shoot a video piece for Taste Addison and our participation in Taste: The Competition.  Chef Tomasso has been perfecting his recipe for Spiedies and as an expert on them, I can safely say he’s nailed it!

Taste: The Competition runs from May 6 – June 5 and during that time, Spiedies will be offered as one of the entrée selections as part of our daily lunch.  We’ll also be serving them in our booth at Taste Addison.  When the video becomes available, I’ll post it so you can get a look!

Once the voting opens, you can vote for our Spiedies as the People’s Choice Food either online or at the Information Booth at Taste Addison from May 20-22. 

And if you’re planning on coming to Taste Addison, Chef Tomasso will be featured in the Taste Showcase at the Addison Conference Center at 2:00pm on Saturday, May 21.  In the showcase, he will conduct a cooking lesson on making a seafood risotto. 

I encourage you to come by the Club for lunch and try out our entry or to visit us at Taste Addison for the competition, the Showcase or many of the other great activities that Addison has planned for this fun event on the weekend of May 20-22.

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