Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Round II of the Battle is This Thursday, May 26th – Italy vs. France

This Thursday, May 26th, we’ll present the 2nd in our series of the “Battle of the Bottles” when we pair Italian wines versus French wines, all accompanied by a great four-course meal and an educational evening.

If you’re not familiar with the series, we launched it with Italian wines versus California wines.  (Read a review of it here.)  During the evening, our guests are treated to a four-course meal prepared for the wines… and the wines are selected for the meal.  Each course is accompanied by two wines, one from Italy and one from France… but we don’t tell you which is which until the end of the evening and after you’ve scored them yourselves. 

Two wine experts, one representing Italy and the other the French, will offer a description of each wine, delineating its history, describing what flavor notes to expect as you sample it, and providing its retail availability locally.  There will also be a purchasing opportunity at the end of the evening.

The menu for “Battle of the Bottles – Italy vs. France” will be:

1st Wine
Niçoise Salad
A medley of tuna meat, anchovies, hard boiled eggs,
olives, green beans, and tomatoes

2nd Wine
Gnocchi alla Salvia
Fresh potato dumplings with sage sauce

3rd Wine
Agnello ai funghi
Lamb loin with chanterelle mushrooms and rice cake (tortino di riso)

4th Wine
Formaggi Misti
Assortment of matured cheeses, honey, jams, and preserves

The cost is $52 for members and $62 for non-members and reservations need to be made today (Tuesday) by calling Vito at the Club at (972) 931-9167.

I hope to see you on Thursday!

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